Ten years ago, education leaders from five statewide organizations came together through their professional organizations to advocate for initiatives that would advance K-12 public education, including evidence-based funding to ensure all schools have the resources needed for local educators to be able to provide a safe, rigorous and well-rounded learning environment. Vision 2020 also included enhancements to teacher recruitment policies, college and career readiness initiatives and the development of Illinois Balanced Accountability System, which establishes standards for K-12 student performance and school improvement in Illinois.
Now, they have come together again to set a vision for the next decade with a priority on future-focused learning—what our children need to know and be able to do so they can adapt and excel in a rapidly changing world. Vision 2030 Key Messages
Vision 2030 centers around four key areas: keeping students and schools safe, attracting and retaining high-quality educators , enhancing post-secondary success, and more effectively measuring what is working well in schools in a timely, usable manner. See full Plan Document here
West Prairie CUSD 103 is proud to support the Vision 2030 blueprint for excellence in K-12 public education through future-focused learning, shared accountability, and predictable funding. To learn more about how you can support policy, legislative, and fiscal solutions to advance this goal, visit IllinoisVision2030.com.