Dear West Prairie Families,
Cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, are on the rise across the United States, and unfortunately, within our regional area and within our West Prairie School District. If we believe your child may have been exposed at school, an email letting you know has been sent to you, and we will continue to do so with any new cases.
In addition, we are sharing with you a “Pertussis Fact Sheet for Parents” from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
If your child is exhibiting symptoms of pertussis, please do not send them to school until their medical provider has said it is safe for them to return to school. The IDPH and the McDonough Health Department report that the best protection against pertussis is to be sure your vaccines are up-to-date. They do report that the vaccine protection against pertussis decreases over time, so it might be a good idea to check with your medical provider to see if a booster is needed.
For more information about pertussis, you may visit:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the McDonough County Health Department or your child’s medical provider.
Thank you for your assistance and diligence as we try to keep the spread of pertussis at a minimum.
Paula Markey
Interim Superintendent